Field Trip to Heritage Transport Muesuem of students of class III
As they say... practical learning is the best form and today’s generation thrives on it!!! Keeping the same in mind , an educational field trip to the 'Heritage Transport Museum' was organised for students of class 3 on Thursday, 19-12-19. It proved to be a great learning opportunity for the young minds! The students of class 3 could relate their class based learning with this real life experience. The students were shown different transport sections including old means of tr avel, cycles, bikes, aeroplanes, cars, trucks and ships. In these sections, they were explained about the invention of wheel and the development of these means of transport. The students were exalted to see how people used to travel during non-mechanized era. Later, the future bike model rose their curiosity to an even higher level. The inquisitive students were eager to know more and were answered to their full satisf action. Overall, the whole trip was full of excitement and learning. ...